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Each year, the Government submits 220-300 bills to the Parliament. The Prime Minister’s Office prepares for the Parliament a semi-annual list of bills to be submitted during the forthcoming autumn or spring session. The primary purpose of the list is to enable the Parliament to plan its work.

In the Parliament, the bill and the accompanying document are subject to three levels of discussion and analysis. In a preliminary debate in a plenary session in the Parliament the minister in question presents the government proposal, after which the political groups and individual Members of Parliament express their opinions on the matter. In a detailed review by one of the standing committees, which may ask for statements from other committees, the discussion normally begins with the committee asking a representative of the ministry to present, as an expert, the proposal. The committee normally hears experts and interest groups during the evaluation of the bill. The Parliament, after having received the report of the responsible committee, decides in a plenary session on the detailed contents of the bill and on its approval.

During the parliamentary consideration of Government bills, the parliamentary Committees hear officials of the ministry responsible for drafting as well as other experts. Ministry officials also supply Parliament with additional information as required. The deliberations of Parliament are available for review on the Parliament website.


Further information

Legislative work of Parliament
Parliamentary Committees